Dec 22, 2011

Gospić - Croatia

The beauty of the indigenous folk culture has been preserved in the villages around the capital city of Lika and  Velebit - Gospic. The foundation of the modern city are two Turkish towers and the old bridge over which at the time of the Military Frontier has developed the core of the city as the administrative, military and cultural center.
Datoteka:Gospic panorama s novog mosta.JPG

The beautiful surroundings of Gospic in which belongs the National Park Northern Velebit and Velebit Nature Park, offers numerous opportunities for sport and recreation (horseback riding, paintballl, Velebit safari, archery, sailing boat through the canyon Like, hunting, fishing ...). In the nearness of Gospic, in his native village Smiljan is "Multimedia Center of Nikola Tesla", one of the world's greatest inventors and genius.

Mills on the beautiful river Gacka are special attraction as the rest of the traditional architecture on the water and old crafts. Traditional arts and entertainment events are held throughout the year - "Gospic Carnival", "Gospic summer of music," "Autumn in Lika", "annals of Art," "Days of bikers").