Dec 27, 2011

Klanjec - Croatia, is the city of centuries-old history and culture in the Croatian Zagorje region, on the border with Slovenia, surrounded by a beautiful wine-growing hills of Zagorje and forests. Klanjec is a city that has spawned many Croatian greats who he was drawn out, leaving the fruits of their work right here.

In the gallery of the famous Croatian sculptor August Augustinčić you can see his artistic legacy, which he donated to his hometown. On the main square stands a bust of another great - Antun Mihanović, creator of the Croatian national anthem, the poet and Illyrian. The Franciscan monastery with the church hides a rich artistic treasures, like a sarcophagus Erdody, exceptional artistic value.

All this, and proximity to the Tuhelj spas, eco-villages, Kumrovec and Zelenjak, monuments of nature, every visitor is provided ample opportunities to enjoy and relax in the tranquil landscape of Zagorje, away from the stress of city crowds!
