The old city has several galleries, most notably is a gallery Donation Ivan Lackovic Croata. Just ten miles from the Đurđevac river Drava passes, and the whole area is rich in lakes, ponds and wetlands to enjoy in a variety of sports and recreation, especially hunting and fishing. On the northern slopes of Bilogora, valuable hands of inhabitants are cultivating vineyards, so along the many of weekend homes here you can find and attractive wine roads.
The biggest cultural event of the whole area is certainly Picokijada, created and based on the famous legend of the cockerels, which celebrates the courage and ingenuity of Đurđevac. Resisting the army Ulama-Bey who patiently besieged city in order to brought its residents by hunger into submission, Đurđevac fired his last cock with the gun. Thinking that they have vast supplies of food, the army withdrew, and Đurđevac from then until today celebrate the glorious victory. Picokijada except theatrical display of legends about Picoki offers a range of other events such as parades of arranged wheels, exhibitions and many other pastries.